크리스찬 루부탱 Rosa Condorapik Sandals 85
Rosa Condorapik Sandals 85
Rosa Condorapik Sandals 85
Rosa Condorapik Sandals 85
Rosa Condorapik Sandals 85
Rosa Condorapik Sandals 85

Rosa Condorapik Sandals 85

판매자. Harrods

If there's a brand that knows how to make a striking pair of heels, it's Christian Louboutin. The Rosa Condorapik sandals, for example, feature the slanted stiletto that has spanned many a design from the Parisian brand, and are emphasised by the diagonal strap that spans the foot. Please note, Christian Louboutin's signature red lacquered soles will wear out when tried on a hard surface other than carpet, this is normal wear and tear and is not considered to be a manufacturing defect. Please try these shoes on a carpeted surface, as any damage to the soles may prevent us from accepting returns.

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