OSOM Privacy Cable USB Type-A to USB Type-C
OSOM Privacy Cable USB Type-A to USB Type-C

OSOM Privacy Cable USB Type-A to USB Type-C

$43.99 US
From. HSN
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Product Details

"OSOM Privacy Cable USB Type-A to USB Type-C The OSOM Privacy Cable gives you added control over when and how your data is shared, through a switch that controls the flow of USB data. With the switch, you can enable or disable when and how connected devices transmit data, giving you the final say in when and how your data is shared. More generally, the cable is simply useful for making sure that data isn't shared with known sources, like topping up your phone at a friend's laptop or in a port in a rideshare, where you already know your device might want to connect to whatever is on the other end. Flip a switch, and that can't happen—you're always in control. Measures approx. 1.5m/5'L.  What You Get USB Type-A to Type-C Cable Good to Know The approx. 1.5m/5""L Type-A cable supports USB 2.0 data connections and many fast-charging standards (though you may have to enable USB data for them to work). Compatible devices: USB Type-C equipped phones (including the latest iPhone), tablets, laptops, and other devices like handheld gaming consoles, some cameras, some flashlights, etc. Can be plugged into legacy USB Type-A ports, like those found on older computers, many public charging stations and receptacles, and in-car infotainment systems. Note that the cable may not be compatible with some proprietary fast-charging protocols."

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