XS ル カゴール ショルダーバッグ
XS ル カゴール ショルダーバッグ
XS ル カゴール ショルダーバッグ
XS ル カゴール ショルダーバッグ
XS ル カゴール ショルダーバッグ

XS ル カゴール ショルダーバッグ

から。 Farfetch
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Returns Policy

Feel free to initiate the return of your purchased item via cs@realry.com.
Our CS team will be happy to assist you throughout the entire process.
Return Period: You have up to 7 days for returns. But return period might be different depending an item you purchase. So please be advised from cs@realry.com
Cost: The customer is accountable for covering all shipping expenses.
Method: Please use the mail service for returns.
Farfetch の詳細情報 >
** Since we partner with retailers worldwide, each retailer has its own unique return policy - These policies may differ based on the item you purchase **

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