(CHANCE) Eau de Toilette Twist and Spray (3x20ml)

(CHANCE) Eau de Toilette Twist and Spray (3x20ml)

From. Harrods
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Product Details

A floral fragrance in a round bottle. Unpredictable, in perpetual movement, CHANCE sweeps you into its whirlwind of happiness and fantasy. The "TWIST AND SPRAY" slips easily into your purse and is the ideal way to revive your fragrance throughout the day.An olfactory encounter with chance. How to use: The eau de toilette comes in a "TWIST AND SPRAY" purse spray to revive the notes of the fragrance throughout the day. A complete perfuming ritual for the bath and body is also used to enhance the fragrance trail. A refill is also available.

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Home / Women's Perfume / Chanel Perfume / (CHANCE) Eau de Toilette Twist and Spray (3x20ml)